Our commitment

Sustainability Goals

Working with our customers, we are creating fully circular models where plastics can be used and recycled again and again. Closing the loop keeps plastics out of landfills and the environment and reduces demand for fossil resources like oil and gas.

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Mount Hood in Portland, Oregon.

Committing to ESG sustainability goals

During 2021, Agilyx announced sustainability goals in three critical goal areas. These three areas align with our core business strategy, stakeholder expectations, our materiality matrix, and the UNSDGs.

Circular / Environmental

Agilyx is committed to accelerating the transition to a more circular economy, while minimizing the environmental footprint of our processes.

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Polystyrene and an Agilyx employee working with chemical recycling technology.


Chemical recycling can play a key role in the transition to a low-carbon economy by providing low-carbon fuels, making more plastics circular, and producing high quality plastics with a lower greenhouse gas footprint.

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Beautiful view of idyllic alpine mountain scenery with blooming meadows and snowcapped mountain peaks on a beautiful sunny day with blue sky in springtime and a cloud in the sky.


Collaboration is essential in understanding different perspectives and developing sustainable solutions. We’re working to expanding our collaborations to create a more inclusive work environment.

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Agilyx employees look at plastic waste feedstock in the chemical recycling facility in Tigard, Oregon.

Active contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

By transforming plastic from a linear to circular model, Agilyx actively contributes to five of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and indirectly contributes to two more. We continue to improve our operations and business activities to support the global transition to a low-carbon future.

View UNSD Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goal #8 Decent work and economic growth.


Agilyx is a creator of high-quality “green jobs” that are helping to transform our economy for a better future.

UN Sustainable Development Goal #9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure.


Agilyx is part of a broader effort to transform waste management systems to become more circular, through investment in recycling access and infrastructure as well as technology innovation to convert post-use plastics to new upcycled products.

UN Sustainable Development Goal #11 Sustainable cities and communities.


Cyclyx is engaged with waste management authorities, advocating for greater investment in the recycling infrastructure at the national and local level.

UN Sustainable Development Goal #12 responsible consumption and production


Agilyx directly supports the following sub-goal: By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. Agilyx advanced recycling technology can be a key contributor in the move towards a circular economy.

UN Sustainable Development Goal #13 Climate action.


Advanced recycling technology can reduce society’s reliance on fossil fuels. Plastics made from post-use plastic feedstock have a lower greenhouse gas footprint than traditional virgin plastics made from fossil sources, such as oil and natural gas. Agilyx along with the emerging advanced recycling sector is aligned with the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Agilyx’s value chain partners, enabled by Agilyx technology that creates more circular pathways for post-use plastics, contribute to two additional UN SDGs:

UN Sustainable Development Goal #14 Life below water.


Companies that are downstream in the value chain – from packaging and consumer goods companies to brands, retailers and waste management authorities – are working to minimize plastic in the oceans and waterways by diverting post-use plastics to advanced recycling.

UN Sustainable Development Goal #15 Life on land.


Agilyx is also enabling efforts in the value chain to reduce plastic pollution on land by creating pathways to divert post-use plastic that would have been sent to landfills.

Download the 2023 Annual Report
